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Hiring a Boat on River Thames

hiring a boat

A boat ride is always a beautiful adventure for anyone, irrespective of the reason for the ride or the duration. The River Thames is known to be one of the most beautiful rivers in the United Kingdom, with its glistering architectural lining and the beautiful skyline it has over it. So, for most people, a boat ride on the river is always the best option.

But, before you can go on your special boat trip across the River Thames, you’ll need to hire a boat. Here are a few things to consider when hiring a boat on the River Thames. 


      • Not All Boats are Equal
        Boats differ in capacity, size and facilities. So when choosing a boat to hire for your boat cruise on the River Thames, make sure to select the right boat, considering the number of people you intend to go on the cruise with and the activities you want to enjoy while on this boat ride. 
      • Food Counts. Don’t Underestimate It
         No matter why you are embarking on this boat cruise, it’s always a great idea to have food with you. Boat rides often take hours and on such trips, you definitely can’t access food outside. So make sure you have enough food to last you the entire duration. Even if you don’t intend on having major meals, you should have some finger foods on site.  
      • Go with friends
        There’s no better way to enjoy a boat ride than with a group of people who understand you so well and are ready to spend quality time with you. Going on a boat cruise with your friends gives you enough options to have fun and enjoy yourself. It works, every single time. 


    Finally, if you are looking for a reliable company for hiring a boat on River Thames, then look no further. The Thames Party Boat has two main vessels designed for parties and cruises. These boats have bars, entertainment centres, DJ decks, dining spaces, and many other facilities to make your boat ride an exciting one. 

    Click here to reserve your boat now.  

