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+44 20 7118 1908 [email protected]


March 2023
Are you looking to have a nice time with your family and friends on the Thames River? Then, you may be considering hiring a perfect boat for your cruise. Whatever your definition of the perfect boat may be, there are quite a number of them to choose from when hiring one for this trip. However,...
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A boat cruise is one of those pleasurable adventures that stays in your mind for almost as long as you live. These joyous trips come with so much fun and exploration that you most certainly want to be on another cruise even before the first one ends.  If you live in or around London, then...
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A boat ride is always a beautiful adventure for anyone, irrespective of the reason for the ride or the duration. The River Thames is known to be one of the most beautiful rivers in the United Kingdom, with its glistering architectural lining and the beautiful skyline it has over it. So, for most people, a...
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Hiring a boat for your birthday bash can be a rewarding endeavour. With all your friends and special people around you, you can never go wrong with a boat party. However, getting ready for this mega expedition can be a hectic process, mostly draining the daylight out of you.  But here are some things to...
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No matter where you are or what event you are planning, hosting an event on a boat is always a great idea that gives a unique feeling and adds an extra touch of luxury to your perfectly planned event. However, there are always things to note about things like this.  Here are some boat event...
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So you have a birthday party coming up, and you decided to take things a notch higher by hosting the party on a yacht? Don’t relent on the idea. It’s always fun to have a birthday party on a yacht, especially if you plan the event well.  So what goes into planning a birthday party...
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